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Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday Afternoon, Monday Morning

Sunday afternoon was cloudy, I misted the hawks, and I flew the hawks over the pool.  The pigeons are extra wary now.  They shift around even when they see just me, without the hawks.  I often just have to wave my arms or point to make them fly elsewhere.  I flew them until 7:00 p.m.  When the sun starts setting, the hawks want to go in for the evening.  But the pigeons are crafty.  They have a preference for man-made roosts, and where they like to sit during the day.  That is why they are also called rock doves, for in Europe where they originated, not only do they nest on cliffs, the cities are just another set of cliffs to them.  The other species, the collared dove, prefers trees, does not congregate in groups and they are not an issue.  They are often found in pairs with their sandy plumage and white banded tail.  Maintenance told me that they found a bird (pigeon or collard dove) that was very ill and it was humanely put down. I did not see the bird to identify and see if it was thin. It has already been disposed.    I thought it might have been the lone pigeon on the south side of the restaurant, but no.  The single pigeon is still around.

Sunday morning, I saw the usual 3 at the south side of the restaurant, and moved them away.  The four roosting on the office building and hotel are now moving when they see me.  I got half of them to move just by pointing at them, or shifting around them (I threw a wet washcloth at them), and they moved on.  I set the hawks out early, for it is cleaning day.  I wear the prior day's clothes, for I get really wet and dirty washing the boxes and mats.  That is done, I changed into fresh clothes and the hawks are out weathering.  I also turn in my work attire on Mondays as well to be laundered.

I had heard from staff that the new porch lights on the balconies are a perfect pigeon roost.  They are.  The flat top is just right.  I was thinking overnight that if the lights were turned 'upside down', the flat area would not be a roost.  Hopefully the design of the light would allow that simple modification.  Around the roof areas, I was also thinking about perching deterrents, the electro shock strips work well, and are un--intrusitve in appearance as well.  Also some of decorative flashing, soffit that would put an edge on the roof that the pigeons would find uncomfortable.  And not roost nor congregate there during the day.  I am still thinking about other modifications that can be done. 

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