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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Helping an injured nightjar today.

Thursday, April 16, 2015:  Warm and calm early.  I walked the dogs, set up the hawks and got ready for the day.  I walk out by the main beach exit to see if any grackles have started with the dining guests.  No grackles early, even with guests dining.   I went to the hawks and started walkabout patrols with falcons on the fist.  I was told by a guest that a hawk like mine had hit  a window and was stunned.  I of course was holding one of the falcons and was limited with what I could do.  The guest covered the bird which turned out to be a night jar that had hit the window and was injured.  I saw break on the side ofthe gaping mouth on the poor bird, and it has a strange moan when handled.  I asked for a cardboard box to put the bird in.  I then took the falcon back to it’s enclosure and came back for the injured nightjar.  I noted fracture on the right side of the lower bill,   Guests helped me box up the bird, then looked for the number of the closest rehabber.  One was located in the Lighthouse Point area.  The boxed nightjar  with a note on it’s history was placed in the holding /storage area by the north lawn until my abatement shift was over.  The hawks did well, flying in the wind and keeping birds away.  As usual, families with kids bring the grackles in and I have to pinpoint the location of the hawks near there.  I stayed in my location behind the bar, using the T post as a perch for the hawks to be in the most effective position all day.  Then I put the hawks up, and proceeded to get the nightjar ready to go to the rehabber.  A guest had kindly offered to take the nightjar, but I ended up taking it to the rehabber.  I needed diesel in my truck so I combined the two trips.  The rehabber had a smart system to save time for wildlife drop offs. Rehabbing wildlife takes many long hours.   She has a nice, shady front porch.  She has a large sign with instructions to place the injured wildlife in the provided dog crates lined with blankets, or leave the box on the porch.  A form to fill out about the wildlife and her business cards as well.  I though that it was a very smart system, for she is likely a very busy person with baby season upon us.  I dropped off the night jar in the box, filled out the form and left my business cards with her.  I then fueled up my truck on the way back and did a short shopping trip as a little break as well.  Packed up my hawks when I returned for the evening.  I was glad to to see the nightjar get the care it will need. 

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